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Writer's pictureFamilyDisasterPrep

Colloidal Silver

Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have.

Dr. Harry Margraf

Most people use colloidal silver to heal internal infections such as cold, flu and food poisoning…or topical infections such as infected boils, cuts or even MRSA infections…plus, it works great for resolving earaches, eye infections, sinus infections, tooth infections, bothersome skin conditions and much more.

Some people even find they need to start off at first with just a few drops.

People who are trying to self-treat a significant health condition (like asthma, or an internal infection) may need to work up to fairly large quantities and/or stronger solution each day (4 to 6 oz 2-3 times per day) before they see an improvement.

Notice: Disclaimer:

This list is from people who have claimed to use Colloidal Silver for these uses. The provider of this paper does not guarantee that you will have the same results, and suggests it is used only as the product is labeled.

Hayesville NC 28904


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