I have files, I have computer files and, you know, files on paper. But most of it is really in my head. So God help me if anything ever happens to my head!
George R. R. Martin

A personal and family document bag is an important resource for disaster preparedness, tax preparation time, and source document retrieval. Having all your important document in one place can be extremely helpful. Do not have the bag be a paper or plastic bag, someone could mistake the bag for trash and throw it away! Have the bag be an important looking container a briefcase, leather bag, or canvas bag.

Need a birth certificate for school registration? Need to find your passport for that vacation? Need to find the pet immunization record? Need to find your child’s immunization record? Need to find that special photo you enjoy so much? Need to retrieve the number of your professional certificate? Need to find your will? Need to know your account number at a financial institution? Go to the document bag!
Have concerns about having all your important documents in one place? Take photos and store the images on the internet or make copies and have a back-up hard copy bag.
Identification papers:
Birth certificate for each member of the family
Death certificates
Marriage license
Citizenship papers

Property papers:
Car titles
List of all saving and investment accounts
Business papers:
Insurance policies and account numbers
Bank and investment company accounts numbers
Business contracts
List of credit cards and account numbers
House vendor contact information
Estate Planning documents:
List of all credit card and other debts
Life insurance policies and contact information
Advance medical directives
Contact information:
Phone numbers of family, friends, and other key people
E-mail address of family, friends, and other key people
Addresses of family, friends, and other key people

Photos of ancestors
Family members
Special memories
Military discharge DD214
Professional licenses