We've enjoyed visiting lots of places to learn new skills and find useful resources (and hope you have, too)!
Recently, we had the privilege of visiting the Foxfire Museum and Heritage Center. If the name "Foxfire" sounds familiar, perhaps you have heard of or even read some of the books written by high school students to learn and preserve the skills of pioneer life in southern Appalachia. This phenomenal educational program began in 1966 and was named "Foxfire" after a bioluminescent fungus that grows on rotting trees, sometimes called "fairy fire" because of its bluish-green glow. According to the official website:
"This spark of an idea, and the work that followed, has turned into a phenomenon of education and living history, teaching readers, writers, visitors, and students how our past contributes to who we are and what we can become – how the past illuminates our present and inspires imagination."