Carolina Readiness Supply, 72 Montgomery Street, Waynesville, NC, is a great resource for every major preparedness requirement but the best feature of this store is their annual Heritage Life Skills Weekend with three full days of hands-on self-reliance classes. The store's website is well-organized with information about products and both past and upcoming classes!

Products available include a variety of food brands in #10 cans and buckets, including dehydrated, freeze dried, MREs, single packs, and cans or cases of our favorite Red Feather Pure Creamery Butter. Food prep equipment from corers and slicers to juicers, pressure canners, solar cookers, and so much more is available! You can find camp gear, washboards and buckets, first aid and medical supplies, and water filters from the mini Sawyer to the Berkey. Emergency lighting includes flashlights, solar lights, and oil lamps along with a large variety of lamp parts.
Be sure to check out the upcoming Heritage Life Skills classes which include situational awareness, beekeeping, canning, homeopathy, tinctures and salves, cyber-security, gun laws, off-grid solar systems, making a hammock, tanning hides, tiny houses, aquaponics, hydroponics, indoor gardening, livestock, and additional classes too numerous to mention (see flyer below). It's going to be a busy weekend of learning and fun!
